
We would like to keep you informed about news regarding the UK Spring Conference. If you would like to receive our newsletter please provide your email address below and click 'Subscribe'. 

We will then for example remind you of next year's conference date in good time for you to register.

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After clicking subscribe above you will need to verify your email address before you start receiving emails from us. To do so we will send you one email with a link. Please click the link in that email to verify your address and start receiving our newsletter.


You can unsubsribe from the newsletter at any time by entering your email address above and clicking 'Unsubscribe'. After doing so you will again need to verify your email address from us before we stop sending you emails. To do so we will send you one email with a link. Please click the link in that email to verify your address and stop receiving our newsletter.

Additionally each email you will receive from us will contain a link to unsubscribe from the newsletter.